International Women's Day 2020

International Women's Day 2020



Happy International Womens Day to those who came before us, those who champion us today and those who are to come. Here's to understanding that strong women come in all forms; wether you're gentle, a woman of colour, brash, ambitious, athletic, caring, a member or ally of the LGBTQIA community – you’re strong, and you’re appreciated. 

We dedicate this post to those women. The women who put the fire in our bellies, the women who inspire action, the women who run their fingers through our hair to soothe us, the women who create magic with their finger tips. Here’s to you! 

Greta Thunberg: there’s isn’t much we can say about this firecracker of a teenager that hasn’t already been said. Watching her champion young people across the world for climate change, while raising awareness of Asperger Syndrome and mental health is more than inspiring – it’s revolutionary. Powerfully in her TEDx Talk she said, ‘I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, OCD and selective mutism. That basically means I only speak when I think it's necessary. Now is one of those moments.’When Greta speaks, you listen.

Turia Pitt is the epitome of human strength and endurance. The Australian athlete who suffered burns to 65% of her body after being trapped by a bushfire during an ultra marathon was told she’d never walk, run or be independent again. Turia, in all her passion and determination, recovered and defied all the odds – going on to compete in further marathons, become an ambassador and public speaker and (we think of it as a marathon itself) become a mother to two gorgeous boys. Turia reminds us everyday that in keeping positive, anything is possible.




Now, while this isn’t one woman, Geelong Mums is an inspiring, heart warming reminder that women can do anything. The local non-for-profit group is dedicated to caring for families by accepting secondhand goods and wares to distribute to those in need across the local area. By providing this service their small team and 600 strong volunteer crew managed to help 20,403 babies living in regional Victoria alone. Their mantra is one we believe in wholeheartedly, ‘waste less, share more and care for every baby and child’.

And even more locally, the women who we champion and champion us everyday. Our account manager at out postal service Gayle, who shows us that creating genuine connection is sometimes more valuable than product. To my mother, who has lived a life in service of others that now her children have grown she is flourishing into the woman she was always supposed to be. And lastly, to Bec, our Creative Director here at Miann & Co (she has no idea I’m writing this) who is endlessly passionate about our small business and has shown me that if you really, truly love something – work hard at it.


As the saying goes: Here’s to strong women. May we know them, may we be them, may we raise them. 

All our love,

Miann & Co

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