Looking After Yourself Postpartum

Looking After Yourself Postpartum

Whilst going through postpartum you move through many changes, emotionally and physically. You are also learning how to look after a new human! During this experience it is important to take care of yourself to rebuild your strength. We have complied our top 10 tips to looking after yourself postpartum. We hope these small insights may help you!

1. REST 

Getting as much sleep as possible is important as it allows your body to heal and to cope with fatigue. Your new little bub may be waking up every two to three hours so try to sleep whilst your baby is sleeping.


As babies have very different time clocks to adults it is common to become exhausted! To allow for rest and recovery try to allow someone else to take care of responsibilities other than taking care of your baby and yourself. As lovely as it is to have lots of visitors, to allow for a quicker recovery don’t feel like you have to entertain guests, if you need to excuse yourself for a nap or to feed you r baby do for it!


Eating a healthy and nutritious diet will promote healing. This may be achieved by eating lots of whole grains, vegetables, fruits and protein. It is also a great idea to increase your fluid intake! Especially if you are breast-feeding. 


If you have any concerns don’t hesitate to seek assistance from a healthcare professional, they are there to help. ”It’s common to experience postpartum blues, have some anxiety or feel overwhelmed or sad in the initial weeks after the baby comes, but pay attention to your feelings and seek help if it lasts beyond two weeks, or if at any point the feelings become too intense," says Dr. Chen


Although intense exercise may be off the cards for the first few weeks, eventually gentle strolls around the house and neighbourhood may help with constipation and also assist in speeding recovery as it allows for circulation and muscle tone. Gentle exercise can also help boost a positive mind set.


A really great tip is to distinguish your support people from your visitors. Find those special people that can provide you with emotional or practical support. This can be a really overwhelming time so taking support from loved ones is a great way to help. Your healthcare providers are also wonderful resources of support.


Up to six weeks after you give birth it is common to experience postpartum bleeding. This is similar to having a heavy period. The bleeding will be heaviest in the first ten days and will the begin to taper off. Taking it easy is key, doing too much too soon can slow down the bodies recovery process.


Having a baby is a life changing experience and it is normal to face some intense emotions due to a role coaster of hormones, minimal sleep and adjusting to having a new little human at home! This said it is important to check in with yourself and where your emotions are at. If you are having and symptoms of postpartum depression you should not feel ashamed or alone. Talking to a professional will help you in taking care of yourself and your baby.


Your body has just undergone quite an event so it it essential to take care! You may be experiencing some aches and pains, for breast pain try gently massaging with a warm compress or with an ice pack. If you are breast feeding allow them to air after each session and apply a cream to prevent any dryness. Treat your body to a massage! Or if you don't have the opportunity to do so treat yourself to a soothing soak. Herbal baths may aid in healing and are also a great excuse for some relaxing alone time.


It is important to continue to check in with your doctor after giving birth. This allows to doctor to ensure than everything is healing properly and as expected. It is also a good opportunity to ensure that you are coping mentally as well. If you have any concerns or questions take this opportunity to clear them up with a professional. 

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